Stephen Smith
A scientist and student of sociology/psychology first, Stephen prefers seeking out logical explanations for situations rather than jumping to conclusions. His goal in this is to help others understand the world around them and, the nature of the gifts they hold inside.
Stephen is an Energy Alchemist and intuitive healer. Having been born blind, He has gained a higher empathic sense as well as an ability to see the emotional and energetic responses of others or, their "auras". In his mid teens he was trained by the Draconic Alchemic Circle in energy manipulation, aura cleansing and. removal of negative influences. This includes: dispelling curses, bindings, psychic blocks and removal of harmful attachments.
Stephen’s studies have led him to understand many faiths and practices and he is well versed in several forms of exorcism. In recent years, he has accepted a role as teacher and have received the title of Senior Master in his Order.

Tiffany LaDon
Tiff is the wife, the financial guru, an empath, and a reader. Maker of custom oil and herb blends, sachets and other goodies that go boom! She is an eclectic practitioner of Appalachian Mountain Magic and tries to help others when possible. Most recently she opened the retail side of Spirit Mechanix, so if there is something missing from the the store shoot us a message and she'll do her best to find it!

Brian Gibson
Being a minister, Brian has been able to help people in finding a spiritual direction as an intuitive counselor. His goal is to be kind, caring, and compassionate to someone's individual situation, but sometime being a little bit more firm to help a person realize the reality of their situation. Brian has the understanding of the "I Am," programming that people have to help them achieve their goals and live a more fulfilled life.
Brian is also a physical healer, being a medical intuitive, he uses the information he receives, along with the alchemy, to stimulate the body's own healing.

Kris Davis
Kris (known as Davis) has been working / studying in the field of metaphysics from a very early age. He is a Thrice Master from the College of the Blue Butterfly (completing the lore schools of the Gwyddon College).
Davis is a Reiki master in the following systems: Usui; Karuna Ki; Sacred Flame; Gold; Tachyon; Ethereal Crystal; Kundalini. He has been a Tarot reader and he has studied and worked with various Celtic pantheon based systems. One of his focuses is the use of sigils, wards, and seals in practice to deal with various entities.
Davis has worked several cases with the Spirit Mechanix, and with Steve Smith prior to the Mechanix. He is a certified Ghost Hunter and a Master Energy Alchemist. He enjoys working with different groups and people and helping them find peace in trying times.

Dustin Miles
Senior Mechanic
Dustin's path into metaphysics began when he was 15. He began frequenting a local witchcraft and metaphysical shop with his uncle. His curiosity led him to begin studying books he found there and his path only progressed as he grew older, learning about his gifts and talents.
They met Steve at the shop and after spending time getting to know one another, they decided to start working together, and he's been doing the thing since then.
As far as gifts go, Dustin is a sensitive to the metaphysical, like most in the group. He also enjoys using runes and sigils in his work and is very in tune with healing energies and cleansings (house, personal, etc).

Keith Ottersberg
I've experienced paranormal activity since I was six years old. The first encounter I had traumatized me to the point I was afraid to be alone which is where my personal issues with the paranormal began. Throughout my life the paranormal activity surrounding me has had a negative impact on several of my relationships. As I got older, the activity began to intensify, and I needed to find answers: the why's, the how's, etc. Because of my need for answers, I had our homes investigated multiple times by different paranormal teams. During that time, others who were having paranormal issues began to contact me for help.
I arranged several investigations for one of those teams, and in exchange was allowed to investigate with them and learn. That particular team split into two. I was asked to join one of those teams. One thing led to another and eventually, I decided to form my own team. Cobra Paranormal was born.
During all this, I had been contacting The Dead Files to come and help. The teams that had come always got evidence but could never stop the activity or say exactly what the issue was. Finally, I got a yes from The Dead Files and Steve and Amy came. Amy sent a group of very caring and wonderful people. They were called the Spirit Mechanix. I received help from some very special people including my own paranormal team and we were able to end the oppression of paranormal activity in my own life. It is because of this that I feel compelled to help others do the same. It was also through this process that I discovered abilities which I never understood before and some I didn’t know I had. I'm now drawn to help others understand their experiences and learn how to handle them before problems are escalated, and relationships and families are divided. The Spirit Mechanix took me and my team under their wing and we are now the Nebraska chapter for them. We continue to learn from them. I’ve recently began learning Reiki and am certified as level one. I’ll continue learning this among other things to be able to help others heal and end their paranormal oppression.

Missy Swango
Manager/Team Member
Missy is a Relationship & Intimacy Coach and has a passion for helping people with relationship issues. She grew up realizing that she could “feel” what other people around her were feeling; ailments, emotions or otherwise. Missy has always had deep intuition but did not formally add this aspect to her counseling services until 2015. She offers a complete Relationship & Intimacy Intuitive Consulting Service that is unlike any other Intuitive Reader. One can expect to have a sincere, unique and confidential consultation with Missy. She offers practical “real life” solutions as well as spiritual and intuitive messages for the client's source issue. She has completed many hours and certifications in Women's Health, Child Psychology, Parapsychology, Intimacy & Sexual Health and Intuitive Counseling.
Missy manages Spirit Mechanix and is lovingly known as the "Cat Herder".

Mandy Blevins
Social Media Manager

Patricia Kraft

Thunderkleez Maati Holden

Raymond Newsome

Steve Tyree